Saturday, August 12, 2006

Food, glorious food!

They tested Dad's swallowing again yesterday. He did okay with ice chips, so they tried apple sauce, which went alright so they tried pudding, and then thickened soup. They'll work up to solids. In Dad's mind (morphine) he ate roasters full of food yesterday, they just kept feeding him as much as he could handle! He was excited about it.

Melissa and I had quite an amusing conversation with Dad when we got here last night. For the most part he's quite clear minded, but then he'll start talking about something that just doesn't make sense. We try to explain that just the drugs made him think that. One example was that he's sure he heard us stand by his bed and discuss his funeral, complete with the "Hawkins' hearse" and an announcement of his "untimely death". All we can figure is that he heard us discussing Grandpa's funeral and connected it to himself. We tried to reassure him that our only plan was for him to pull through, but he looked skeptical. :)

He's quite concerned about the farm, and just wants to go check those crops. Or at least talk to Gerry on the phone to see about spraying those chickpeas one more time.

Very nice to have Dad back talking to us! They'll keep him in ICU a little longer, but he's to the point where if they need his bed he'll be moved.


Anonymous said...

So glad you are able to be there with your mom and dad--and excited about the updated news.
Sharon Parker

Heather said...

It must be wonderful to have a converation with your dad, even if part of it doesn't always make sense. It is wonderful to wake up and read this blog and hear good news about Stan each day. It's wonderful to hear of God's continuous healing for Stan. Heather Smith

Anonymous said...

It is so good for you to finally talk to your dad. It has been such a long time...Morphine does such silly things, but in some ways you do need to hear nonsense just so you can relax a little bit. Monica and Roy, it was so good to go out with you on Thursday night, we have to make it more of a regular thing before the bebe comes. Love you guys and take care! ~Tanaya

Anonymous said...

Keep it coming Lord! Keep it coming Lord!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Stan and Thankyou Lord.
I is so wonderful to read of the wonderful progress you have made.It is great that you are all able to have conversations again.
Remember we are all praying for you here at Manson.
Love & Prayer,
Bill & Evelyn