Monday, August 07, 2006


I just talked to Mom for the nightly update, and she said basically Dad has been breathing on his own since before lunch today! They had the ventilator off for about 2 1/2 hours this morning, put it back on for an hour or two while they did a dressing change and got dialysis hooked up, and then he was awake and acting agitated, pointing at the tube, and when they asked if he wanted to breathe on his own he nodded yes. We've been trying to explain to him that they can't take the tube out until they're sure he can breathe on his own, because they don't want to have to put it back in, so Dad is doing everything in his power to prove he can be off the ventilator! This is the major prayer request tonight, that Dad have the strength and stamina that they will take the ventilator tube out, hopefully tomorrow.

Mom was able to speak to the plastic surgeon again today, and found out that they were able to remove the chest tube (draining fluid from around his lung) in the surgery last night. The doctor feels good about how the graft is doing, and said they'll look under the vaccuum bandage on Thursday, and if things look good then they won't have to put the vaccuum back on. Also, there was one area that the intensivist was concerned about because there's such a thin layer over his lung, but the plastic surgeon said they put an extra layer of skin over that area and they think it should fill in some between the layers.

When Dad was wide awake and seeming quite uncomfortable, Mom was able to reassure him and help him relax. The nurses were commenting on her calming effect, so she is staying at the hospital still so that if he gets upset they can call her in. Now that he's awake so much Mom is looking forward to being able to spend more time with Dad in his room and keep him company.

We are so grateful for the progress we've seen in the last 2 days! God is good. Please continue to pray for healing, that Dad can get off the ventilator SOON, that his kidneys will start functioning better, and that he will have peace of mind as he goes through what will still be a long healing process. Thank you!


Anonymous said...

What great news! Thank you for posting, Monica. We stopped by the hospital tonight before leaving the city but were sorry to have missed your Mom. Your Dad was sleeping soundly so your Mom had gone out. What a great God we have! Dick and Laura

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful God we have! Praise and thanks be to Him for answering the prayers of many people. How else could Stan have healed so rapidly? We will continue to lift our petitions to God on Stan's behalf. Gordon and Vivian Hobbs