Some of you will remember me saying last year that I would stop calling good things that happened a "coincidence" but rather a "Godincidence" Well, it happened again today. Stan had seen the plastic surgeon in Saskatoon in the last couple of weeks and was not comfortable with the line of treatment recommended to touch up the area affected by last year's surgery in Regina. After a restless night, it was decided that it would best if we tried to get in with the original plastic surgeon in Regina, Dr. Chang. We were given the first available appointment of Oct. 29th with the hope of a cancellation before that date. Last week, we had a call from Saskatoon to say that Stan had been BOOKED for surgery in November. The pressure was on! Do we cancel? What if we're missing an opportunity?? Again, a quick decision to go to Regina by 8:30 am this morning and sit, wait, and HOPEFULLY fit into a spot of cancellation to have a consultation with the man we trust. We sat, sat, waited, waited. Everytime the phone rang, I would send up a little prayer that it was a cancellation. They said they had 30 plus people coming through his office.
(1 doctor!) At about 11:15 the receiptionist told us there was NO hope to get in as they were an hour behind with appointments already there. Here's the happy ending... A young man sitting in the corner calmly said "I can wait" I couldn't believe what I just heard! She told him, "but I don't know when I could get you in. It could be a couple of weeks!" and he said calmy, "That's fine" He gave Stan his appointment and they gave him Stan's upcoming date of Oct 29th. WOW Restores my faith in kind people.
Dr. Chang had a different opinion. The difference between a "repair" and a "renovation". Stan is booked in Regina for March 12, still time to be in shape for Spring seeding. Again I say "God is good"