Saturday, September 29, 2007

Saskatoon visit!

Well, it was time for the followup appointment to see the plastic surgeon to decide if Stan wanted any followup surgery this winter on his skin graft site. The option is still there, but "the jury is still out" The doctor is willing but Stan is still weighing the benefits against the risks of infection etc., with the level of improvement predicted and is yet to make up his mind for sure. We have decided to have a chat with the original surgeon in Regina who did the work and hopefully his input will be very helpful.

It sure looks like fall today! The leaves had changed and now a few brisk winds have hit and they are history! Sad to see bare trees from now until Spring. Stan worked taking off some of the last crop yesterday. I think the combine should have one more go at the wheat field and it can be cleaned up and put away until the next harvest. It is a satisfying feeling to know we have the crop off and in the bins.

The family is all doing great. I watched the babies in their swimming lessons and they looked pretty comfortable in the water for a couple of prairie kids. What wonderful opportunities are available to them. It just doesn't seem that long ago that I was the Mom in the water playing "motorboat" and now my babes are the Moms! and being so great at it, too!!

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