Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year!

Here it is 2008. "I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year; "Give me a Light that I may tread safely into The Unknown" and he replied "Go out into the darkness, and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than Light, and safer than the known way" (from the King's Message, December 25, 1939.)

We were blessed and encouraged to be together as a family over the holidays. Stephen is back in Oklahoma, we are back on the farm and the Saskatoon family is back to work and the next year has begun! I indeed feel that the safest place is with my hand in the hand of God and I ask him to bless you, my friends, with his presence in the new year.

While in Saskatoon we celebrated Stan and Josiah's birthdays on Dec. 28. Monica did a great job in decorating the tractor cake. We enjoyed a fun afternoon at the swimming pool and waterside before the new year's eve party with Rob,Diane and their family and others. What a great time!,what a busy time, now we all need a few days to rest up.

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