Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The Sun Shines!

Good morning
The sun shines again in Saskatoon and it feels much better. There is also "frost on the pumpkin" as the radio just said -2 degrees. We look forward to outdoors again. That vacuum bandage is definitely doing what it is meant to do as the wound under Stan's arm is now about 2 centimeters deep (half of what it had been on Friday!) Another gain and another day closer to home. Have a great day, Stan and Maxine

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Check your blog daily and God is good it is amazing to see and hear how prayers are answerd, as for me and my house we beleive. They say you never know what you have to endure in ones life time , but it is amazing what you can do with God on your side. Stan and Maxine you both shine to me for your courage and devotion to God and each other Alvan and Trish.