Saturday, January 20, 2007

...and all is well

It's one of those moments you just want to sit quiet and observe! The 18th marked 6 months since Stan had his surgery. His healing, although not swift, has been at a steady pace and I think ahead of what we may have even expected. There is still a daily bandage change that takes minutes instead of an hour (like in the days of homecare and vaccu bandage)Stan has been diligent at his physio and has regained so much! It will take time to build up the stamina and his work days may not be quite as long and vigorous as preparing for last Spring. We thank God for his goodness in restoring him.

We were to Regina to visit Elford Bell yesterday and he also is made of good stuff! He is recovering well from his knee replacement and is getting around with a walker already. Hopefully he will be in his home in Gravelbourg on Monday. He is in good spirits.

The newest members of the family are both doing well. Josiah has been busy meeting his "village" of people since he got home from hospital. Linaya looks like she'll be getting around pretty soon! Take care!!

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